Sunday, July 19, 2009

last day in new zealand + my day in L.A.

The free upgrade to execuitve suites was DIVINE. sleeping in a king-size bed is probably always lovely. but particularly so when it's your last night in a foreign country. the large, glass-doored shower was also quite heavenly, considering the unmissable lack of shower doors/curtains i had been encountering on my vacation. as i finished putting on my make-up, dad came over to my room so we could make plans for the day. we'd already decided to go on a harbor cruise, the issue was which and when. considering the rain, we opted for the harbour-tour instead of one which would require walking about at a destination. given the time, 130pm was our boat.

we breakfasted on some instant oatmeal we had been given as samples a few days earlier then decided to check out, stash our bags, and hit esquire's for internet and coffee. this sufficed to kill time for a while...but not much over an hour. which left us with plenty of time to wander Auckland's streets. which we did. and it was cold. and rainy. and cold. and WINDY. and....cold. i. was. miserable. i almost talked dad out of the cruise (i'd had more than enough of cold water for the day) but helplessly realized there was nothing better to do. (our flight didn't leave until 930p, and we had no hotel to return to.) the cruise was actually nice ((as most things are, if you only let your mind accept it.)) very informative, with warm, indoor seating and a free treat. plus, i love boats. and the choppy bay water made for an exhilirating and bumpy ride!

afterwards while vaguely making our way back to the hotel we discovered a MALL(haha). so, being the good americans that we are, we explored it. we wound up eating sandwiches in the food court (KUDOS to us for avoiding all american chan eateries for the length of our holiday!) then discovered the kiwi wal-mart (the warehouse). then we journeyed back to hobson street to collect our bags and call a taxi to head for the airport.

i was desperate for an earlier flight. heartset on one. the entire concept of our massive flights + layovers had been causing anxiety for days. we get in line to check baggage and we discovered that there WAS an earlier plane to L.A. alas, we weren't able to transfer. i cried a little. i actually cried. it's not that i'm desperately homesick. it was just that once i know something has to be done, i want it done the best way possible...and the quickest way possible. i truly believe God wants me to understand and accept that i don't kinow what's best always. maybe even never. which sucks to admit...but, like the harbour cruise...doesn't actually suck at all. it's okay...i can just rest...and ENJOY life!

timing played a key issue in our L.A. day, too. our flight was late arriving (storms delayed our take-off from auckland and made for a seriously bumpy flight!) but it was okay. time was irrelevant. days were even irrelevant. we got our rental car and headed for the beach. finally got rockstar parking at santa monica beach, and seeing the ocean for the first time is just as cheesily amazing in real life as it is in the movies.

the sand was unbelievably soft beneath my feet!! and cool. it was a BEAUTIFUL day! 70 degrees or so. the sea breeze made all worries over smelling of a plane disappear. the atmosphere was indescribable! the joy of all present, the feeling of sand, water, and air...the three elements were MEANT to be together!

no one ever told me how when you're standing in the ocean, and the tide goes out, even a gentle one, the sand beneath your feet pulls out with's a wondrous sensation.

we cruised around L.A. a bit more after (regretfully) leaving the beach. went to dad's hometown area of whittier. then it was time to return the rental car. we had JUST missed a shuttle and were waiting for the next one, along with a man who had tons of luggage. dad made a fun comment about his amount of luggage as we boareded the soon-arrived shuttle. the guy sat down next to me, and went on to explain how he was returning home to tokyo where his very pregnant wife and his son lived. he is from l.a. originally but now lives there with his wife and kids. it was amazing. i learned sooo much from this man. about his nieces even! he was so hyper, so friendly, so willing to talk!! it was so fun, thoroughly enjoyable conversation. and then after he got off the shuttle, our driver immediately began chatting with us also. about his 4 year old son, who was born with a leaky heart valve. it just brings chills to me even timing can be so coordinated at times. how people just open up to other people for no real reason. how THAT is my way of being Jesus to the world...and that i'm blessed enough to experience those times.

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